Responsible Techno-Users Practice Electronic Recycling

It appears as if we cannot live without them and industries have to continually make new and better electronics and machinery. But what happens to the old and obsolete high-tech electronics? They just sit on shelves and eventually are thrown away as waste.

Advocates of Electronic Recycling, emphasizes the need to Re-use electronic gadgets and machinery by donating or reselling working units to other people. This is done to maximize their use. Non-serviceable units may then be recycled. Advocates therefore consider such electronic waste not as “waste” but as an important resource. Admittedly, the by product of recycling electronics aside from obtaining the original resource is toxic waste: lead, cadmium, mercury and asbestos. So, even if the bulk of the electronic gadget is recyclable there still remains the toxic substance that cannot be re-used nor recycled. Professional electronic recycling companies are able to dispose of such toxic substances properly.

Because of the very nature of this e-waste, what is important is proper disposal. Improper disposal would eventually lead this e-waste into the landfill where it could spill its toxic substances. The leakage will be absorbed by the soil. Some will run off with the rain and contaminate the surrounding lands while others will move downwards into the water beneath the soil, contaminating potable water resources. One of the primary toxins that cause health problems in children is lead. The extent of the poisoning ranges from simple health illnesses to seizures and even death. Behavioral and certain learning disabilities in children have been traced to lead poisoning as well. Proper containment of toxic substances and chemicals can reduce these adverse health effects.

Electronic Recycling is the best way to prevent the improper disposal of e-waste. It reduces the risk of poisonous substances entering the soil or contaminating water resources. The soil wherein our plants and vegetables are grown and from which our livestock eats must be free from all toxins. Even, the water which all living things need must be safe from all poisonous substances. We can prevent this from happening. It is our duty as users of electronic technology to take care of the resulting waste.