Safe and efficient data handling is a necessary measure for a business that wants to implement a successful storage and backup plan. Intel® has developed several storage solutions with that in mind. One is not necessarily better than the other; the preferred storage method simply depends on a company’s needs and existing infrastructure. Today the functionality of a NAS and SAN are very similar; however, there are specific technical differences. The primary technical differences between a NAS and a SAN are:
A NAS identifies data by file name and byte offsets, transfers file data or file meta-data (file’s owner, permissions, creation data, etc.), and handles security, user authentication, file locking.
A SAN addressesidentifies data by disk block number and transfers raw disk blocks typically via SCSI calls.
When looking at the two Intel® storage networking solutions, the benefits of both NAS and SAN show marked distinctions.
First, a NAS consists … Read the rest